Pesantren Digital Preneur Oleh Hipmi Tabalong Bersama STIA Tabalong

Tanjung-Senin, 27 Juni 2016

   Belajar CMS (Content Management System) awalan MySQL

Dengan XAMPP for Windows
Setelah XAMPP di localhost berhasil dijalankan, langkah berikutnya adalah membuat database MySQL.
WordPress menggunakan database MySQL untuk menyimpan seluruh settingan, artikel, dan komentar yang ada di dalam situs web. Karena hal itulah kali ini kita akan membuat 1 buah database MySQL.
Untuk membuat database MySQL, saya menggunakan aplikasi bawaan XAMPP, yakni Phpmyadmin. Phpmyadmin adalah aplikasi GUI (Graphical User Interface) untuk MySQL yang berbasis web, sehingga kita bisa membuat, menghapus, dan melakukan (hampir) semua perintah MySQL melalui tampilan web.

Most 'pesantren' provide housing or dormitory living at low or no cost for the students (Santri). The two type of educations systems are conducted throughout the day. Students in pesantren have almost 20 hours activities starting from early morning prayer starting at 4 am to midnight where they ended the evening with a study group in the dormitory. During the day, students attend formal school (which is mandatory until secondary school by 2005) like any other students outside of pesantren, and in late afternoon and evening they have to attend religious ritual followed by religious studies and group studies to complete their homework.

Pesantren provide to Indonesian citizens at low cost; although today some modern pesantren charge higher fees than previously, they are still significantly cheaper than non-pesantren educational institutions. The traditional pattern was for students to work in the headmaster's rice fields in exchange for food, shelter, and education.

All pesantren are led by a group of teachers and religious leaders known as Kyai. . The Kyai is respected as teacher and devout man. Kyai also play important roles in the community as a religious leader and in recent years as a political figure. There are Kyai families that have a long history of serving in this role.

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